6253 Chagrin River Rd. Bentleyville OH 44022
Village Hall: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm
Paying Citations
Traffic and Parking Citations may be waiverable through the Violations Bureau. For information regarding your duty to appear or the amount of fines and cost, please contact the Bentleyville Police Department at (440) 247-0155.
If you are charged with offenses that the Violation Bureau has determined to be waiverable, you may, within ten (10) days after the day you receive the ticket, plead guilty to the offense(s) charged and dispose of the case without court appearance by:
- Going to http://ohioticketpayments.com/ and following the prompts
- Appearing personally at the Bentleyville Police Department, signing a waiver, and paying the fines and cost. Cash in the exact amount and checks are accepted. Available Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Signing the waiver on the back of the citation and mailing it and a certified check or money order for the total of the fines and costs to the Bentleyville Violations Bureau
Make certified check or money order payable to Bentleyville Violations Bureau

We’re Hiring!
The Village of Bentleyville is currently accepting applications for the position of Full-Time and Part-Time Police Officers. The successful candidate will be certified as having completed the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA).
Preference will be given to candidates who:
1. Possess a two-year degree from an accredited junior or community college.
2. Possess a four year degree from an accredited college or university.
3. Have prior police experience as a full or part-time police officer.
Please click the application link on the right to open the fillable application. Once complete, save it and email it to gbarone@villageofbentleyville.com.
Crash Reports
We are currently utilizing the Ohio Department of Public Safety Electronic Crash Reporting System. To obtain copies of crash reports occurring in the Village of Bentleyville, please refer to the Ohio Department of Public Safety website.
Police Records Request
To obtain a copy of a police report, please contact the Bentleyville Police Department Records Department. Records Department hours are Monday-Friday 8am-4pm. There is a fee of five cents per page.
Important Links
REVERSE 911– Click here to join our Reverse 911 program to receive important alerts.
DEER ORDINANCE- Deer Hunting on private property within the Village of Bentleyvile is prohibited, unless a permit is obtained from the Police Department. Click here to view the Village of Bentleyville Deer Ordinance.
Notice From the Police Department
Although we live in one of the safest communities in the Chagrin Valley, residents must still be on their guard and keep all doors locked. This should include vehicles and garage doors.
Beginning July 2022, fireworks are legal on specific days at specific times in Ohio. The Village of Bentleyville adheres to these guidelines. Ohio Fireworks Law
From The Chief / FAQs
From the Chief of Police to the residents of Bentleyville-
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Contacting an on-duty police officer for non-emergencies:
Police officers can be reached 24/7 by contacting Chagrin Valley Dispatch at (440) 247-7321. The dispatcher will contact the officer on duty to relay your message.
To be fingerprinted:
Contact the Bentleyville Police Department during normal business hours at (440) 247-0155 for an appointment to have your fingerprints taken. Fingerprinting is a free service provided for Bentleyville residents and Village employees.
I received a traffic ticket. How can I find out how much the fine is?
You can call the Bentleyville Police Department and they will tell you the amount of the fine. Fines vary depending upon the offense committed. The phone number is (440) 247-0155.
Where do I pay a traffic ticket?
At the Bentleyville Police Department at 6253 Chagrin River Rd. or online at https://ohioticketpayments.com
How do I contact the Small Claims Court?
Small Claims Court is located at the Bedford Municipal Court, which is located at 165 Center Road, Bedford, OH 44146. You can phone them at (440) 232-3420.
What time is curfew?
Children under the age of twelve years should not be on the streets or sidewalks during the period from darkness to dawn. Children between the ages of twelve years and sixteen years should not be on the streets or sidewalks between the hours of 11:00pm and 6:00 am. Children between the ages of sixteen years and eighteen years should not be on the streets or sidewalks between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 am unless accompanied by a parent, guardian or some responsible person over the age of twenty-one years old.
I’m having a party and I need to hire an off-duty police officer to assist with traffic control, whom do I call?
You can call the Bentleyville Police Department at (440) 247-0155 and ask for Chief Gabe Barone. If he is not available, you will be transferred to his voicemail. Please leave a detailed message and your phone number and the Chief will return your call.
How do I go about obtaining a copy of a police report?
Call the Police Department Monday-Friday 8am-4pm and ask if the report is complete. If it is, you can either stop at the police station to pick it up or mail a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Bentleyville Police Department, Attention Records Department, at 6253 Chagrin River Rd. Bentleyville, OH 44022, and we will mail you a copy.
Is there a fee to obtain a copy of a report?
Yes, it is five cents per page.
How do I request a copy of photos taken from an accident report?
Call the Records Department at (440) 247-0155. Give the report number of the accident/incident and ask if any photos were taken. If photos were taken, you may request a copy of the photos. Copies of photographs are $6.00 per photograph. Copies of photographs will be made and you will be contacted when they’re ready for pickup.
If the power goes out, what should I do?
DO NOT call the Village Hall, Police Department, 911 or Chagrin Valley Dispatch. The Village does not have any control over the time frame or the areas to be repaired first.
The Illuminating Company has an automated number to call that will register the location you are calling from and will report your area as in need of repair. They will even give you an estimate of time of repair.
Please keep this number in your phone for easy access- (888) 544-4877.
If there are downed wires, damaged poles or transformer arcing wires, call Dispatch at (440) 247-7321 and give them the location. Stay away from the area. Police or fire department personnel will respond.
Sgt. Tom Cutwright (Juvenile Diversion Officer)
Sgt. John Manson (Firearms Instructor)
Ptl. Brandon Cagwin
Ptl. Sarah Hoover (OC Instructor)
Det. Jennifer Morris
Det. Matt Farrar
Ptl. Dan Peacock
Ptl. Bill Baraona
Ptl. Adam Lee
Ptl. Simon Montgomery
Ptl. Ken Halligan
Administrative Assistant
Jackie Papa